Quebec-Tunisia professional qualifications recognition agreement

The “Quebec-Tunisia PQRA” profile is intended for members of the Ordre des Experts Comptables de Tunisie.

Admission requirements:
  • Have a public accountancy degree issued by the ministry of higher learning of the Tunisian government.
  • Have completed the three-year period of professional experience organized, supervised and certified by the Ordre des Experts Comptables de Tunisie.
  • Have defended your professional accountancy dissertation.
  • Have accumulated, in the last five years, at least 1,250 hours in assurance as applied by the CPA Order, including at least 625 hours in auditing.

The process at a glance:

Open the file and submit the necessary documents

To open your file, simply click on the link below and follow the steps. Be sure to attach all of the documents required to review your file (see the list below)*. Please note that the Order reserves the right to demand any additional document required to review your file as well as the original of any required document.

Please allow 60 business days to process your application**.
Before you begin, have you checked to make sure that your status in Quebec allows you to study here? Contact the MIFI for more details

Open your file >

*For security reasons, we kindly ask you to avoid sending documents by email.

**Please note that due to a high volume of applications, our processing times may be longer than usual. Rest assured that every effort is made to ensure that files are processed as quickly as possible.
Quebec-Tunisia PQRA forms
Make sure that you have signed all the forms before submitting them. Note that the forms are available in French only.
Demande d’admissibilité
Attestation de conformité de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables
Attestation de l'expérience du demandeur (le cas échéant)
Birth certificate
  • You must provide a copy of your birth certificate issued by the competent authority in your country of origin.
  • Documents that are not written in French or English must be translated by a certified translator.
  • Accepted file type: PDF.
2 pieces of identification
  • You must provide two pieces of identification issued by competent authorities (front/back).
  • Accepted file types: PDF, JPEG or PNG.
  • You must provide a copy of all your degrees.
  • Documents that are not written in French or English must be translated by a certified translator.
  • A complete document consists of a copy of the original and its translation.
  • Accepted file type: PDF.
  • You must provide a transcript for each of your degrees.
  • Documents that are not written in French or English must be translated by a certified translator.
  • A complete document consists of a copy of the original and its translation.
  • Accepted file type: PDF.

Pay the fee

Pay the fee


A fee of $592.12 must be paid to have your file reviewed. The payment must be made online when you open your file.

Review of the file

When your file is complete, it will be reviewed to ensure that you meet all of the conditions provided for in the PQRA. Your file will then be submitted to the Qualification committee for approval. This committee generally meets once a month.

If the review of your file reveals that you are eligible and have met the conditions, you may obtain the CPA designation or CPA auditor designation.




If you disagree with the decision you received (list of prerequisite courses, continuing education courses or other), you can submit your comments in writing within 30 days of receiving the decision. To do so, you must log in to your account and complete the appropriate form. Be sure to include any documents required to review your request. Your file will be submitted to the Qualification committee for a decision.

If you are dissatisfied with the final decision of the Qualification committee, you may request the Executive committee to review it by writing to

If you are dissatisfied with the way your application has been handled at any step in the process, you may also file a complaint free of charge with the Commissioner for Admission to Professions, an independent government entity that receives and reviews complaints regarding admission to professional orders, whether they are directed at the Order or the university that provided you with the list of prerequisite courses you submitted to us.

Register with the Order and pay the dues

Register with the Order and pay the dues

After you have received confirmation of your eligibility, you will need to download, fill out and sign the Order’s registration form below, and email it to the Order at

You will then need to pay the fees ($633.51 and $443.80) for your registration as a candidate and for your annual dues.

Download the Order’s registration form

Required training


You will have to complete these complementary courses before obtaining your CPA designation or CPA auditor designation.


Please note that you have a maximum of 3 years to complete the courses.

University credits obtained in one of the 15 universities of Quebec

  • 3 university credits in business law
  • 3 university credits in personal taxation
  • 3 university credits in corporate taxation

Atelier pratique – Résolution de dilemmes éthiques
Atelier pratique – Pour une gestion fondée sur le questionnement éthique

7 hours

The goal is to bridge the differences between rules of ethics in Quebec and Tunisia.

Register online on the Vivo platform

CPA auditor

Holders of this designation may practice public accounting, which includes, among other things, activities related to audit engagements and review engagements.

Please note that you have a maximum of 5 years to complete the courses.

University credits obtained in one of the 15 universities of Quebec

  • 3 university credits in business law
  • 3 university credits in personal taxation
  • 3 university credits in corporate taxation

Atelier pratique – Résolution de dilemmes éthiques
Atelier pratique – Pour une gestion fondée sur le questionnement éthique

7 hours

The goal is to bridge the differences between rules of ethics in Quebec and Tunisia.

Register online on the Vivo platform

Additional training

Option 1 (2 courses)

1- Audit Engagements - Review of Fundamental Concepts
2- ASPE – Review of the standards

30.5 hours

Cost varies depending on the training 

Option 2 (3 courses)

1- Audit Engagements – Review of the standards
2- ASPE – Update
3- NCECF – Présentation des états financiers et informations à fournir – Avancé

27 hours

Cost varies depending on the training

Apply for a permit

Apply for a permit

When you have completed your additional training, you may apply for a permit. To do so, you will need to download, fill out and sign the permit application form below, and email it to the Order at along with all certificates confirming that you have passed the required courses.

After your permit has been issued, you will receive an official letter confirming your membership in the Order.

Download the permit application form 

Important: Make sure that you always meet the CPA requirements so that you can keep your designation throughout your career in Quebec.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have my work permit to start the process?
No. It is not necessary to have a work permit to start the process with the Order. However, we recommend that anyone who wishes to study or work in Quebec refer to the competent authorities to ensure that they comply with the laws and regulations in force.
Do I need to have my comparative assessment from the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration to submit my application?
No. For an application based on a recognition agreements or a reciprocity agreement, as in the case of the Quebec-Tunisia PQRA, you may apply directly to open a temporary file by submitting all the mandatory documents.
Is English necessary to practice in Quebec?
Knowledge of English is not required to practice in Quebec, although fluency in English can be an asset in the labour market.
Does Quebec have its own specific accounting terminology that must be to used?
Although accounting terminology is gradually becoming standardized around the world, some terms may be different in Quebec. The biggest difference is in public accounting, which refers to the expertise required to perform public accounting (audits). You will find all the details in the "Useful resources" section.